Day 9
Willcox, AZ at 8:15 am: Sunny, 33 degrees
We started our day out early by leaving Willcox and heading south to the Chiricahua Mountains in the Coronado National Forest. We reached our highest point so far of our trip by driving up a huge mountain that reached 7,000 feet. We saw lots of cool scenery, see more here.
After leaving the mountains, we headed back to the highway to see "The Thing?", a roadside attraction that we had seen signs for miles about. Admission to see "The Thing?" was $1 a piece, and it was interesting, probably not as exciting as one would expect, but worth a laugh and a look.
Then we headed south to Tombstone, the city "too tough to die". It was neat seeing the old western town, and many of the old sites still remain. Click here to see more pictures.
We then went to Tucson since it was on the way to Phoenix. It was bigger then I expected, and the temperature got as warm as 80 degrees.
While in Tucson we saw the Saguaro National Park, which is a real big forest of cacti. We had to go offroading (on trails) to get to alot of the park, but it was very neat. See more pictures of the park here. We got to Phoenix around 6:30. Once again we timed things wrong and ended up here at the same time as the Fiesta Bowl. Luckily, we are staying with my cousins Julie and Tom so we dont have to pay a rediculous price for a hotel.
Phoenix, AZ at 6:30pm: Sunny, 75 degrees